here : but doesnt work well for me, also not work virus software (Kaspersky)
The time when people hated Linux was when they didn't have the programs to do their jobs
andoid is not a program
CJKay, nope, android is not available from repo
Ah but it's working
Except for the java bit
CJKay, i remember, a long time ago someone did a trick to get java on android ; but can't recall how
Yeah I think it was jre
I could be remembering the wrong thing, though
And for the same reason android has linux kernel underneath it
CJKay, android = linux
Because it was a point of pride that they were immune to viruses
And the linux kernels were patched by developers for fun
CJKay, they fixed all the binary missing?
Nope, still a bunch of things missing
CJKay, hm, ok
Java is missing plugins, chrome extensions, and an AV
WACOMalt: android isn't linux in the sense of linux kernel
Then it's not even java, it's a Java like language
CJKay, is it a'must have' app?
One of the few non-webapps I use
CJKay, with android version?
I think 4.4 or something like that
CJKay, mine is 3.2
It's Android 7.0
CJKay, no prob, i can uninstall it
I might just grab that from elsewhere
CJKay, and you need the openjdk7 or the openjdk8, right?
If that's the one I have, yes
CJKay, you can change
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